铂锐2.0豪华版 驾铂锐2.0豪华版 基本资料: 生产厂家: 克莱斯勒(北京奔驰) 汽车品牌: 铂锐 出厂日期: 2008 厂家报价: 19.9万元 排放达标: 欧 IV 主要参数和主要配置参考: 强悍的霸气,铂锐采用了这款全新设计的直列四缸GEMA发动机改变了人们对于美国车油耗大的传统印象,我们来看一下铂锐2.0豪华版的具体操控性与驾乘感,2.0豪华版铂锐整体给人以厚重平稳的感觉,3个炮筒式的仪表盘在视觉上给人很强的冲击力,铂锐2.0豪华版搭载的双-VVT全铝发动机,都让人对这款突破传统意义上的美系车刮目相看,驾驶着2.0豪华版铂锐行驶在岔河通畅而略有坡度的柏油路上。
驾铂锐2.0豪华版 基本资料: 生产厂家: 克莱斯勒(北京奔驰) 汽车品牌: 铂锐 出厂日期: 2008 厂家报价: 19.9万元 排放达标: 欧 IV 主要参数和主要配置参考: 强悍的霸气,超强的动力,是大众长久以来对美系车固有的认识,铂锐作为戴姆勒•克莱斯勒在中国推出的第2款克莱斯勒产品,一改往日粗犷硬汉的形象,尽管依旧保持着坚毅的外观,但“内心”却温柔了起来,精致的内饰以及反差于往日“油老虎”的高油耗,都让人对这款突破传统意义上的美系车刮目相看。 外观:粗犷坚毅却不失流线魅力 铂锐的外观设计可圈可点,他的设计灵感来源于概念车Airflite和Crossfire跑车,车身线条锋利多变,相当有超前的时代感,发动机舱盖上的条纹远看如行云流水一般,正经历着气流的抚触,近看又仿佛男人脸上坚毅的线条,整款车顿时由于这一个细节而显得超凡脱俗。 侧观整款车身,明显的前低后高,呈俯冲之势,有天生的运动表现力。前后大灯和进气格栅也颇为大气,整体比例非常和谐。 如此严谨而不失风韵的外观表现,使得铂锐的受众群扩大到公私兼用,大气的领袖气质在商务使用上可谓如虎添翼,而其不失动感的风范更使得其作为一款私家车凸显主人品味。 内饰:铁汉也温柔 通常概念下,对内饰简洁舒适、唯美精致等诸多溢美之词都奉献给了日韩系车型,而美系车往往给人以不拘小节的印象,但我们现在正亲身经历着铂锐,如若再有这样的想法,实在是太过out了。 拉开车门,温馨而洁净的内饰顿时有一种清新的感觉扑面而来,整个仪表台深浅构图像一只即将展翅而翔的飞鸟,俨然克莱斯勒车标的经典再现。 细看仪表台,3个炮筒式的仪表盘在视觉上给人很强的冲击力,加上表盘内详尽的数据散发出绿莹莹的柔光,更是一种视觉上的享受。 宽大而舒适的方向盘让人独享至尊的掌控力,音响娱乐设备也非常智能全面,可触摸的中控台屏幕更是高端科技的体现,背后20G的硬盘对于车载设备拥有足够大的存储空间,对于爱好音乐和电影的人士更是可以通过右下端的USB接口拷贝各种自己喜好的影音文件到车载硬盘上,十分方便。 驾乘:行车上路,畅游碧水蓝天 据悉,2.0排量的铂锐车型是专为中国市场量身打造的,适合才能够出彩。驾驶着2.0豪华版铂锐行驶在岔河通畅而略有坡度的柏油路上,看波光粼粼,闻鸟语花香,实在是一种别致的享受。2.0豪华版铂锐整体给人以厚重平稳的感觉。 铂锐2.0豪华版搭载的双-VVT全铝发动机,不仅动力澎湃,而且达到了欧IV排放标准。最大输出功率为115kw/6000rpm,最大输出扭矩为190Nm/4000rpm,是国内2.0L发动机中动力输出最为强悍的,与以自然吸气发动机技术著称的宝马320i相比也是有过之而无不及,更令人吃惊的是它的燃油经济性,铂锐采用了这款全新设计的直列四缸GEMA发动机改变了人们对于美国车油耗大的传统印象。 除了强悍的动力与燃油经济性之外,我们来看一下铂锐2.0豪华版的具体操控性与驾乘感。克莱斯勒铂锐拥有着坚固的笼形结构车身,而且经过一定的刚性强化,在确保安全的同时,也大大提高了车身的刚性和抗扭性,增强车辆在弯道行驶中的稳定性。在岔河弯道进行加速拐弯时,铂锐2.0豪华版的过弯表现的确令人满意。整体感觉非常平稳,车身和悬架很好的控制了车身侧倾现象。液压助力转向系统技术非常成熟,也有很好的路面信息反馈,操控起来更加精确。 独立麦弗逊前悬和多连杆独立后悬挂,既保证了行驶中的舒适性也拥有较强的抗扭性,操控和平衡显得更为出色。在起伏路面时,悬架吸收了地面的大部分震荡,驾乘人员感觉不到明显的颠簸;前后轮盘刹车配合ABS+EBD+BAS技术,刹车更为灵敏和安全,时速从80km/h减速到静止的距离不超过35 米。 凭借着美式的宽大车身和与日韩车厂合作开发的“世界发动机”,还有不错的驾乘感觉,我们有理由相信铂锐2.0豪华版的市场前景。 希望对你有用!
北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
|北京奔驰奔驰C级车型厂商指导价经销商报价日期C200K标准型34.80万31.20万-34.80万7月30日发动机:L4 排量:1.8 马力:184 变速箱:5挡手自一体| 经销商报价| Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison C200K Elegant 385 million-380 million-3850,000 July 30 Engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C200K Fashion type 395,580,000-395,500 Overseas engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparison C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800,000- comparative C230 fashion type 428,800 million- 428 million on July 30 Engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison C280 fashion type 478,380,000-4780,000 engine on July 30 : V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7 gear self-integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison of Mercedes-Benz E-class model manufacturers guidance price dealer quotation date E200K elegant 498,800,000-498,800,700 March 30th engine: L4 displacement: 1.8 horsepower: 184 gearbox: 5 gear automatic | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison E230 fashion type 548,450,000-5480,000 July 30 engine: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: V6 displacement: displacement: 2.5 Himeline: 204 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | dealer offer | Picture | Parameter configuration | Comparison E230 elegant 5180,432 million-518 million July 30 engine: V6 displacement: 2.5 horsepower: 204 transmission: 204 gearbox: 204 gearbox: 204 transmission: 204 transmission: 7 Blocking Hand Farewell | Distributor Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison of E280 Fashion 61805 million-6180 million July 30th Engine: V6 Disposition: 3.0 Horse Power: 231 Garlet Box: 7 Integrated Hands | Distributing Forest Business Quotation | Picture | Parameter Configuration | Comparison E280 Sports Version 638 million-6380 million-July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3.0 horsepower: 231 gearbox: 7-speed hand-in-one | Dealer offer | Picture | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters | Parameters Configuration | Comparison E350 Fashion Type 748 million-7480 million Action on July 30th Engine: V6 displacement: 3. 5 Himeline: 272 transmission: 7 gear self -integration | dealer offer | Picture | parameter configuration | comparison
2017年Ecoboost 245两轮驱动运动类型(裸机价格:306,800)2017 2017 Ecoboost 245四轮驱动运动类型(裸机价格:326,800)2016 2016 Ecoboost 245两轮驱动精英5(裸机价格:249,800)245两轮驱动铂金尖锐类型5(裸辆价格:269,800)2016年Ecoboost 245两轮驱动铂金尖锐型7(裸辆价格:279,800)2016年Ecoboost 245 245两转 - 驱动的汽车价格:299,800)2016年Ecoboost 245 Four - 轮驱动Balmous 7(裸机价格:319,800)2016年Ecoboost 245四轮驱动Zun Rui 7型7(裸机价格:339,800)2016 2016 Ecoboost 245 Four7 -Drive旗舰7(裸机价格:369,800) - 轮驱动运动类型7(裸机价格:409,800)2016年Ecoboost 330 V6四轮驱动旗舰7(裸机价格:449,800,000))主要区别是:2017年型号的4驱动力很小,并且驾驶2的力是相同的。其他人的变化并没有太大变化。