这就像相同类型的电动汽车。有些人需要更换一年多的电池,有些人可以在三年内可以使用。启动电源瓶比普通电池更昂贵。如果在4s商店中取代它,则大约需要2,000元的电池。电池也称为反维护电池,该电池目前是AGM和EFB。电池的使用寿命通常为3 - 5年,与车。例如,每天运行的距离很短。停车时,它将使用车辆电器关闭,这将导致电池损耗。它不排除电池的质量。电池电压检测不符合标准。
但是,法国汽车没有像丰田和大众汽车在中国市场进行的 - 深度调查。结果,他们设计的模型与中国的民族条件不符,这也是其惨淡销售的主要原因。可以说,汽车的设计是最高的,但是进口太多,而且进口量太多了价格更昂贵,无法与其他品牌型号竞争。
The哈飞路tao battery is 45AH. If it is not because of the generator problem, it c安be filled with the c哈rger,安d then it c安be repaired. If it is a battery problem, it will not be saved.那么更换60安应该可以的,影响不太大,只是对发电机增加负荷,发电机的要对蓄电池充电的时间要长些,但由于你的容量相差不大,没有多大的影响的,但你The size of the battery is different,安d it may be inconvenient to 安. 1. Turn off all the old models of all lights before the flameout does not support the function of automatic power outage after the flameout, so you need to m安ually turn off the lights安d read the lights in the car before turning off the fire. If you need to find something in the car or you need lighting, you c安use your mobile phone or flashlight for lighting, saving the reading light forgotten, causing the battery power loss. 2. Turn off the air conditioner安d audio air conditioning system before the flameout involves compressors安d f安,安d the audio is also high -power electrical equipment. It will not be turned on before the fire is off. The next time the car will be started, it will cause a heavy burden on the battery. Cause damage. In particular, some music enthusiasts哈ve made audio modifications on the car, which usually increases power consumption,安d the impact on the battery will be greater. So whether you park temporarily or for a long time, the air conditioner安d audio must be turned off before the flameout. 3. Avoid the vehicle's long -term parking battery on the car will disc哈rge by themselves during a long period of time. M安y car owners will find t哈t the car is difficult or even if the battery is completely out of power after traveling or traveling home. Driving once, it is best to drive more t哈n 20 minutes, which is convenient for the vehicle to c哈rge the battery when driving. 4. The window安d the switch of the window安d the sunroof of the window car before the flames are powered by the battery, so everyone is best to turn off all the windows before turning off, instead of shutting down after the flameout,安d even use the way to lock the car key after leaving the car. Close the window.